Daily Log
January 8, 2025
- Read chapters 7,8,9 of The Elements of Computing Systems in prep for university
- Write project writeups for DSA-chess project, raspberry pi iot and blockchain implementation, raspberry pi ai-enabled voice-activated doorbell, and HackerNews Summarizer.
- Write TIL posts for today and yesterday and the day before.
January 7, 2025
Was feeling pretty sick today. Woke up pretty early to fix sleep schedule for uni. Senced body-ache and headache, probably from walking in the cold last night. Spent most of the day sleeping/chilling. Anyway, managed to get some prep studying done for uni.
- Study ML in prep for university
- Study Linear Algebra in prep for university
- Read chapters 7,8,9 of The Elements of Computing Systems in prep for university
- Write project writeups for DSA-chess project, raspberry pi iot and blockchain implementation, and HackerNews Summarizer.
- Write TIL posts for today and yesterday.
January 6, 2025
- Finish redesigning the blog and adding sections to my personal website.
- Write a project writeup on last semester’s Cloud Computing project at uni.
- Practice working with Neovim
- Read over The 100-page Machine Learning Book in preparation for ML course in university.
- Read the Computer Architecture chapter of The Elements of Computing systems in preparation for university course.
- Review Linear Algebra concepts in preparation for university course.
- Have a call with friend to show and get feedback for redesigned website blogs.